Paul Merryck

In these troubled times of false prophets and fake messiahs, the world is crying out for many things. Guidance and leadership; fearlessness and innovation; fecklessness and perspiration. And some funny jokes.

Step forward Paul Merryck

  • Life Coach
  • Ideas Man
  • Philosopher
  • Renaissance Man
  • Occasional Comedian
  • And Much Much More

In these pages and on stages across the globe, Paul strives to heal the pain of living by giving simple folk the tools they need to farm the crops of joy, reaping the harvest of fulfilment and turning it into a hearty casserole of love, sprinkled with the salty tears of laughter.

Step inside my loves and learn how to live.

Come on Paul Merryck, enlighten us all. The world bloody well needs you.

Paul Merryck may not be a genius, but he probably is, so please step inside and have a cautious peep.