Whiting heads the booking and management company Mirth Control, as well as continuing to perform himself. The figures go something like this: He worked 90 hours a week to start with, operating from a phone box for the first three months because he couldn’t afford to get a telephone put in at home. Since then, he’s driven 400,000 miles to gigs in every part of the UK, going through fourteen cars in the process. He’s done more than 4,500 stand-up gigs. He’s played all the UK’s leading clubs including The Comedy Store, Jongleurs and Komedia (Brighton and Bath) and is booked to gig in Times Square NYC this Summer. As a favourite TV show studio warm-up Comedian he has worked on ‘Shooting Stars’ with Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer, ‘Ponderland’ with Russell Brand, Mitchell and Webb, Armstrong and Miller and with Mark Dolan on ‘Balls of Steel’.